Guided by five domains of excellence
Dragonfly has identified five domains of excellence required for cultivating excellent mental health in an academic setting. These include forming a Departmental Committee, creating Peer Networks, improving Mental Health Literacy, Fighting Stigma, and regular access to Skills Training, creating the foundation upon which our evidence-based programming is built.
If you are ready to create systemic cultural and climate change in your community, we invite you to consider partnering with us to launch our Comprehensive Program. If you don't know where to start and would like some guidance, please complete our Needs Assessment which is a self evaluation designed to help you determine your institution's current standing and readiness for change. Completing this will help us gain a better understanding of which programs and services best suit your needs!
We offer all our discrete programs and services à la carte as well. Even incremental change is change for the better!
Still not sure? Don't just take our word for it. See what academics are saying about our services: you won't be disappointed!
Mental Health Literacy
Have you been wondering how to improve the mental health literacy at your institution? Maintaining mental health literacy is an ongoing process and we at Dragonfly Mental Health are here to help! Dragonfly offers a variety of evidence-based mental health literacy talks to increase the mental health literacy of all, tailored to the audience at hand. Listed below we detail each of our offerings. Additionally we provide customized talks, provide expert panelists, and guest speakers upon request.
Skills Training
Knowledge and positive attitudes around mental health are necessary foundations for learning and practicing critical skills to improve preparedness to recognize, speak with, support, and refer community members that may be struggling with their mental health, and advocate for improved communications and accommodations for yourself.
Dragonfly offers a variety of skills training workshops to prepare your community in these areas! Listed below we detail each of our offerings. We also provide customized workshops upon request.
Fighting Stigma
Trying to reduce mental health stigma on your campus but hitting a brick wall? Many people in academia express fear that if they experience mental health struggles they will not be successful or that they will be judged by their peers or mentors. Identifying and directly addressing stigma against mental health struggles improves community support and help seeking behavior.Dragonfly offers a unique approach to fighting stigma within your community! See our programming detailed below.

Peer Networks
Do you need help building peer support networks on your campus? Dragonfly can help with that! Peer Networks are peer-run groups that build a sense of community within the department. The mission of these groups is to build and provide sustained access to relevant resources.Dragonfly offers a variety of resources to help you build Peer Networks at your institution.
Departmental Committee
Are you trying to improve the mental health culture on your campus but keep running into roadblocks? The problem may be the lack of a departmental committee to oversee these changes and ensure they happen in a systemic and sustainable fashion!Dragonfly offers guidance on how to create a departmental committee made up of representatives from all levels of an academic community to facilitate an ongoing driving force for culture and climate change. Every community has unique needs, thus all our offerings are custom designed to the needs of your department or institution.
Comprehensive Program
Are you looking for avenues to create long-term sustainable change in the ways mental health is perceived and addressed on your campus? Dragonfly's Comprehensive Program may be the solution for you! It is an all inclusive three-year package that is fully customized to your needs, includes our mental health literacy talks, anti-stigma campaigns and skills training workshops, and will ensure your university can independently sustain these positive changes in perpetuity.
Needs Assessment
Everyone starts somewhere. We provide consulting services by experienced academic mental health advocates where we go over the steps you can take to start yourself on the road to improved mental health at your institution.What People are Saying!
Mental Health Literacy Talk
“Fantastic talk and discussion, I'm really glad we had it!”
“This was great! I think that talking about this issue frequently helps to remove the stigma against seeking mental health treatment.”
“I really appreciated the opportunity to hear how many faculty members have our backs!”
Faculty Training Workshop
“The workshop was very enlightening”
“It provided concrete ideas on what to say”
“I think these programs should be required for all incoming faculty as a part of mentorship training”
A Scientist's Primer on Depression
“I feel better equipped to deal with it and to pay attention to the wellbeing of other people and encourage them to get help if they need it. ”
“I really appreciated the talk and I think it started really good discussion (not just during but after the talk as well) .”
“The talk was both moving and very informative.”
Imposter Phenomenon
“I have always felt like I am the only overachiever in the world, and now I see that there are other people managing to live happy lives with.”
“It felt great to share my fears with the peers and see that the most experienced of them have the same imposter issues!”
"I can be sufficient to do my job. Some skills I will get, some I will lose, somewhere I will sink, and somewhere I may be better than others.”
Managing Upward
“I would definitely recommend! Great workshop, really good instructors, please continue like this!”
“It was helpful to see, that I am not alone with my issues and that there are techniques to improve the communication with my supervisor”
“I learned to be more confident with my own needs and I learn how to communicate it.”
Mental Health in Isolation Talk
“Insightful, interesting and well done.”
“I value an explanation of what’s going on with my mind and my body – it made me feel that I am not alone in what I am going through, and that there are working ways to deal with it.”
“The discussion helped me to appreciate even more that in my division the pandemic precautions are taken seriously.”
Anti-Stigma Campaign
“As a senior scientist, with tenure, I have nothing to lose by anyone thinking less of me as one who was depressed, and plenty to gain by sharing my experience. In fact, I have only received positive feedback since I was featured in the movie. As one who survived and prospered despite periods of depression, I think it’s useful to share my experience, that it is not a permanent condition, that one can recognize depressive episodes, and seek effective treatment.”
~ Richard Harland PhD, Film Participant, UC Berkeley, Dean of Biological Sciences
“It started a discussion no one was having.”
“I learned a lot and got a chance to have meaningful discussions with my colleagues.”
“I think that showing how very successful scientists have struggled and continue to struggle with mental health issues is a powerful way to say that mental illness is not a sign of weakness, nor does it preclude success.”
Basics of Burnout
“I had no idea that what I was experiencing was burnout. This presentation really helped me see what was causing it and what I could do about it.”
“With the additional stress from the pandemic, it now feels like we are BBO (Beyond Burn Out). Knowing the evidence of what helps with makes me more confident in taking time off so I can come back fresh.”
”What a great resource! I’ll definitely be sharing with my colleagues and boss.”
Power Abuse In Academia - what can we do?
“Informative, engaging and empowering, also offering very easy steps to take in difficult situations as well as providing resources”
“Great to learn what is actually already harassment and how some of the things that already seem "normal" are not acceptable.”
“Great insights into good practices and measures that institutes can take to counter harassment - and tips on what junior researchers can do themselves to get help and to break the taboo and talk about mental health, power abuse and discrimination.”
Mentoring as a Two-Way Street
“We received such an overwhelmingly positive response following the session.”
“Thank you so much for your wonderful presentation on how mentoring can go right or down the hill. I was pleased to attend and willing to spread the culture here.”
“Passion comes across very vividly. And helps engage the audience.”